Reveal your salary.
The Brief
Demonstrate the power transparency can have in helping to close the Pay Gap.
The Solve
We gathered 64 people, split among 4 different industries to illustrate how real people are affected by pay inequality and how salary transparency is a way everyone can play a role in closing the gap.
Video conferencing became a way of life during COVID. So we decided to use the platform’s functionality to do an experiment that tackles another timely topic—pay inequality. We gathered 64 people, split among 4 different industries. The workers in each industry shared similar locations, experience, and education but we wanted to find out if they shared similar salaries.
Starting high and going lower, we asked participants to turn off their cameras when their salary range was called to reveal who was left at the end—usually women and minorities. We then asked participants another question: “Turn your camera on if you’d be willing to share your salary to help close the pay gap.” Almost everyone turned their cameras back on. In the end, the film illustrated how real people are affected by pay inequality and how salary transparency is a way everyone can play a role in closing the gap.